Générateur de noms anglophones d'horreurs lovecraftienne
- The Freakish Beast of Aza'kesh-eth'ulhi
- The Aberrant Polyps of Ze-zhuxurath-ashlyth
- The Freakish Children of Shyg'in'dren-yen'yaya
- The Necrotic Brute of Yith'iguulhi-ush'xon
- The Lurking Worms of Bun'ulhu-yanthunthath
- The Dimensional Cyclops of Yg'thristulhioggua-ulhi
- The Astral Minion of Othe'thun-azak-gonigig
- The Disturbed Offspring of Mhee'igu-zhux-igu
- The Ugly Glutton of Itha-thorcsca'lash'urath
- The Evil Brute of Yo'lotholhiognass-kesh