Générateur de noms anglophones d'horreurs lovecraftienne

  1. The Feral Cyclops of Ith'gash'urath-thoathrist
  2. The Celestial Executioner of Cthon'goth'rathgua
  3. The Night Enforcer of Faug'yen'yon-zelna
  4. The Jeering Dwellers of Yu-oss-ulhu-urath
  5. The Purple Floater of Zy'xanyin'itheth'drah
  6. The Abominable Phantom of Ybh-gha'igu'gon'thorc
  7. The Aquatic Pleasure of Yu-azak'nash'lathoa
  8. The Horrific Attendant of Ashtor-gashho-ughagoth
  9. The Yellow Champion of Shyg-ithed'zyig'sca
  10. The Profane Children of Shub'uga'dreyzidushon