Générateur de noms anglophones d'horreurs lovecraftienne

  1. The Frantic Worms of Shyg'ulhu'la-on'itheth
  2. The Dread Rat of Mheeigigthath
  3. The Dismal Cannibal of Asta'hothon
  4. The Jabbering Swine of Dag-xon'ugakesh-yan
  5. The Grotesque Plague of Ra-ithed-iguigig'zal
  6. The Blasphemous Grub of Ghatan'yaya-rathscauga
  7. The Obscene Swimmer of Sha'thorc-sca'yan
  8. The Damned Polyps of Mig'ikesh-xiothranekesh
  9. The Blasphemous Swine of Kei-lothzaldren-sogoth
  10. The Slithering Offspring of Ya-ikesh-milbh'igu'ikesh